A Little Bit About Jen

I love information! Crave it to be honest. Always the explorer, I attempt new projects and tasks. As a result, I am decent in the following: playing guitar, longboarding (on the road), baking, home improvement, writing, web/desktop publishing, and now...motorcycling. Until the age of 28 I was a professional athlete. I threw things, very far. Due to my constant roaming throughout the United States, I obtained enough credits to be a medical doctor. Which I am not. However, I do have two Bachelor and two Masters degrees. It attests to my charm, not my early abilities in career planning. In general, I am young at heart, driven but laid back, and ever searching for self-awareness


Just what the world needs, another blahhhggg.....

Therapy Unrefined isn't meant to reinvent the wheel, but (hopefully) serve two purposes:

- Provide a place for me to share what works, what flops, and my two cents on what therapy is all about.
- Maintain my sanity by giving me an outlet and connecting with others who are underpaid, overworked, and happy about it (aka therapists)

With that being said, my blogs won't always be grammatically correct, because i like using the ellipsis...a lot.  And i haphazardly capitalize.  But it's my blog, and I'm taking full liberties with it. :)

First post coming soon...thanks...Jen


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