A Little Bit About Jen

I love information! Crave it to be honest. Always the explorer, I attempt new projects and tasks. As a result, I am decent in the following: playing guitar, longboarding (on the road), baking, home improvement, writing, web/desktop publishing, and now...motorcycling. Until the age of 28 I was a professional athlete. I threw things, very far. Due to my constant roaming throughout the United States, I obtained enough credits to be a medical doctor. Which I am not. However, I do have two Bachelor and two Masters degrees. It attests to my charm, not my early abilities in career planning. In general, I am young at heart, driven but laid back, and ever searching for self-awareness

A Glimpse Into My Life

Although this blog is geared towards my role as a therapist, I thought I would share a little more about what makes me who I am.

For many years, I was an athlete, fortunate to have competed professionally. My sport brought me overseas and across the country numerous times, as well as provided ample opportunity for self-growth.
My niece Abby

My roots are in the Midwest, but I have lived in several states. Much of my life has been with minimal means and on a moment's notice, which used to really piss me off. :) However, my ability to connect with people, adapt, as well as reflect and reconsider is the product of this, and well worth it in the end.

My niece Allison
I have a deep passion for what I do. It was not a career choice, it is a part of who I am. My goal is to be as authentic as possible, which is a daily challenge, as it is easier to stick with what is comfortable.

So, if this seems too serious...don't worry. I'm also a complete goofball! I laugh, a lot, and find humor in nearly everything. Life is about emotion and feeling, and laughing is my favorite. I don't think I've ever gone through a session without a moment in which my client and I laughed. At least chuckled ;)

My best friend
Finally, my family and friends are very important...and although a select few know me well, they are my support and love, for life.